Thursday, April 1, 2010



Contributed By

Lt Col (Retired) Tariq Mahmood Butt

The Hyena is a vaguely sturdy build, high shoulders, and long muscular limbs. It has a large head, broad, rounded ears. The Hyena is parasitic and borders on laziness. Being unproductive, doesn’t use its brain, thus its capability to think and cultivate honest ways of survival is barely negligible. Of the three species of hyena, none is found in our beloved country, as in their usual self but we do have their replicas in human skin generously spread all over Pakistan, with large concentrations in the headship encampment.
With intelligent hunting skills, the Hyenas surround a toothless old hyena at the edge of the thorny hedged cattle kraal and bite it so hard that the only escape is to push through the sharp thorns. Once an opening is created; an army of fierce hyenas will go into a meat grabbing spree. Mostly associated with cowardice, hyenas will bite off cows' udders and goats' bowels before they even seek to kill their prey. They would go to the extent of also scavenging for food from graves and feed on the leftovers by lions and cheetahs. But sometimes the pride(group of lions) turns back and attack. This is exactly what happened with Mr Zardari. Knowing well that the swiss case is likely to come up, the Party and all coalition parteners pushed him into the cattle kraal, not at all expecting for the pride to turn back. To their utter disappointment, the pride did turn back (Judiciary and the media)… Who all are on the spree? Is an easy guess to make.
The most vicious type is the smaller, and even shyer brown hyena (Hyena brunet), which of course is the deadliest as it seems to be the most humble but yet the most corrupt. Corruption in Pakistan has surged by whooping 400 percent in the previous couple of years, said National Corruption Perception Survey 2009 carried out by Transparency International. The National Corruption Perception Survey 2009 (NCPS 2009) indicates that the overall Corruption in 2002 has increased from Rs 45 Billion to Rs 195 Billion in 2009. Police and Power maintained their ranking as the top two most corrupt sectors.
Our Great Quaid and old chiefdoms made relentless efforts and our predecessors(men,women and children) shed a lot of blood for independence and creating Pakistan. On their departure, the sincere and loyalist left a big carcass that we literally refer to as government. Employing the hyena strategy and armed with axes and machetes, the elites have been fighting over the carcass left for over 63 years now. No time has been spent by Pakistanis on sharpening hunting tools and moving deep into the forest to get their own animals. They have all taken up the hyena instinct of scavenging what is left behind and what the so called friends still feed them.
The most horrifying part is that a young breed of hyenas is springing up and learning the art of circling old ones for another meat-grabbing spree! The crime rate has soared as unemployed youth and elderly seek unconventional means to hunt for riches. The outlook is not promising when one considers the fact that Pakistani youth are sinking deeper in the menace of modernism in the name of so called “enlightened moderation”. It is opined that cultural invasion is much more dangerous than a religious inveigh. Being trapped in material pleasures, the DVD madness and openly devoting songs to sweet hearts on media was not meant to be and cannot be envisaged in moderation, not in this country, definitetly not in our religion or culture.
As political elites fight for spoils in government, the future of our nation is on the verge of total collapse with no where to go. Imagine what would happen if the majority of the young begging for a place in society got hold of loaded AK-47s and machetes, what would be the result? As if to add fuel to the fire, companies are being taxed to help run expensive programmes, forcing them to lay off another team of professionals. The mix is a time-bomb! In an already troubled and terrorist threatened atmosphere
Faced with a financial crisis and economic slowdown, countries that command 85 per cent of global economic output keep on coming up with strategies to safeguard their interests. To paraphrase US, EU, World Bank and the policies of their cronies are the real threats facing Pakistan. Not a single penny was given as aid, all loans, another thermal plant was promised; why not a nuclear plant to get rid of the menace of power shortage, why not waive off all our loans and the beauty is no body raised an eyebrow. The time is up for Pakistan to defer those who simply bring home meat from a carcass. Too much focus on external assistance has destroyed local investors by driving the majority to informality and forcing our minds to neglect our abilities to harness nature to our advantage.
If Pakistan does not take quick steps, the country will be faced with two types of future leaders: those who watch too many TV soap operas and movies and who become mere celebrity political leaders; and those voters hooked on demanding kinde. The kinde and celebrity leadership will provide a perfect avenue for the country to be sold in exchange for exotic whisky, mirrors and guns. In such a scenario, an external hyena need not use an old guard to gain entry (as has been done in the past) it can simply walk in and grab yummy meat!

This must serve as a wake up call to our 'hyena culture'. So fixated are we on looting and collaborating with those who plunder Pakistan that instead of pushing for productivity and cutting down on lavish expenditure on political elites, we simply play hyena games on people's earnings. Taxes are increased not to offer services to Pakistanis but simply to feed the carcass-chopping frenzy. Let us get rid of the hyena culture and save our motherland.

Finally, a Hyena's giggle is not actually laughter, but a sound of frustration or call them fighting words. Until now these squeaky cackles were not well understood by scientists. Researchers recorded the sounds and did the first ever acoustic analysis to understand how the calls vary between individuals, and when they are used. The scientists found that hyenas usually make these noises when they are fighting for food, or in some kind of social conflict. "When a group of hyenas is feeding upon the prey you hear a lot of these giggles, especially, during conflict between two individuals,"

The mere giggling of our leaders while commenting on every aspect of the state of affairs makes me nauseatic. Is this giggle out of frustration? a social conflict? sheer desperation; or do these squeaky cackles indicate the greed for fetching every bit and piece of the final kill.


  1. Well written and a nice piece rightly putting the current situation of the country.

  2. As Once said Patriotism is not short, frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime which our youth lacks in.

    A Highly thought Provoking article with an indulgent reflection on our beloved country.

    Two Thumbs up

  3. Your article outlines the future face of our country by reflecting on the present...well written!
